Elero AS is an electrical company founded in 1991 on the basis of local private capital

The main activity of Elero company is the construction and repair of low, medium and high voltage electrical installations.

We offer the following services:

  • Construction of up to 35 kV overhead and cable lines,
  • construction of substations and their configuration,
  • construction of street lighting,
  • electrical installation work,
  • construction of electrical switchboards and repair and maintenance of other electrical systems.

The major contracts of AS Elero

Job description Cost
Raid road 2 831 729 €
Tallinn Old Port AJ 21 (electricity, communication) 2 699 400 €
Shore electrical connections of the Port of Tallinn to ferries Phase I 2 080 000 €
Haabersti intersection 1 780 927 €
Shore electrical connections of the Port of Tallinn to ferries Phase II 1 386 665 €
Elektrilevi OÜ Tabasalu – Tiskre – Kakumäe area electricity network reconstruction – I, II and III stages 1 017 004 €
Renovation of Paldiski city street lighting 838 920 €

Quality and environmental policy

We organize the achievement of the company’s business goals through the proper implementation of management system processes.

We are constantly improving the performance and efficiency of the management system.

We operate in compliance with legislation and other recognized requirements and norms.

We use sustainable production technologies and increase product quality.

We reduce waste and increase the reuse of resources.

We prevent pollution and reduce the harmful environmental footprint of our activities.

We are developing the company, raising the competence and qualification of the employees.

We offer quality products and services to ensure customer satisfaction.